Had a great time at the banquet this year. Was great seeing all of my friends and meeting new one's!
Huge congrats to rod and Sheri Gray for being named team of the year for KCBS. I don't want to slight my other friends, Darren and Sherry Warth who finished in 2nd place and also to a great team and one of my favorites I Smell Smoke!!! Way to represent the NEBS land. Sure is special seeing you all go up to stage for any awards. I believe that Mike was represented as well!
It looks like we will be going to the Great American BBQ in Kansas; Washington, DC for the Safeway battle. Then also Lake Placid, New York, so that should be a fun week! Then off to Shannon, Illinois for the last contest that Mike and Theresa will be putting on in Shannon. Then Kingsford, MI and lastly Mesquite, Nevada... These are all of the free entry copuns that I won in the raffle this year. I also have a few more that I plan on putting on eBay to raise some money for cancer research. So watch for them!
My favorite things from Philly to eat were roast pork from Tony Luke's, the hoagie from Salumaria at the Reading Market and also from the market Diliala's macaroni and cheese...
Cancer Sucks!