This past weekend, we celebrated my little LuLu's 8th birthday!!! It's amazing how quick time is just flying by! It seems like just yesterday she was a baby. We've come a long way kiddo.
The weekend starts off with a birthday celebration that we do every year. On Febraury 26th, me and the girls go out and eat at Greek Islands West and celebrate Corliss' birthday. As her birthday is 2 days prior to Lexi's. The 3 of us have done this for the last 6 years and I can't really see us changing anything too soon. It was Corliss favorite place to eat, as she just loved getting a bunch of everything and have a feast! I am fortunate that my girls love Greek food, so we can still enjoy coming to their mommies favorite restaurant. Opaa!
Lexi's birthday is also the end of a long month for me, as there are a lot of meaningful dates for me in February. So I for one am ready for a party!!! This year, we went out to Dubuque, Iowa and to the Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark. This is the resort that we have come the last 2 years for the Dubuque BBQ contest. Steve Geisz, who runs the BBQ contest is also the GM for the Resort and he really took care of the girls. We had a great weekend splashing around in nice warm water, while it was freezing cold outside. We didn't get to do as much as we wanted, as we were battling a nasty cold, but the girls had a real good time! We also got to go to the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium. The girls were just amazed at the fish swimming around in the big tank! As Lexi said, "that catfish could eat me!" We left on Sunday and enjoyed a beautiful drive home. That part of NW Illinois is just gorgeous! I love that drive!
Until our next adventure.
Cancer Sucks!
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